Using GNU Screen

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Because I find myself sometimes using a slow connection that keeps disconnecting me from whatever I'm doing and I loose my work.


Be sure to add stuff to your $HOME/.screenrc file if needed ! I usually have "defscrollback 5000" in it

  • screen
o Run a new screen session
  • screen -R
o Reattach to a previously detatched session
  • Ctrl-a c
o Create a new window.
  • Ctrl-a K
o Kill the current window - after confirmation
  • Ctrl-a Ctrl-a
o Switch to the other window
  • Ctrl-a S
o Split the current window in two.
  • Ctrl-a TAB
o Move between split sections of the screen.
  • Ctrl-a A
o Give the the current window a name.
  • Ctrl-a "
o List all windows - move around to change the window with the arrow keys
  • Ctrl-a i
o Prints out info about the current window
  • Ctrl+a [
o Gets into "Copy mode". To copy, move the cursor, press space, move the cursor to the end of the selection, press apce again. Screen will highlight the selection. In this mode the following keys are now available:
 h -    Move the cursor left by one character
 j -    Move the cursor down by one line
 k -    Move the cursor up by one line
 l -    Move the cursor right by one character
 0 -    Move to the beginning of the current line
 $ -    Move to the end of the current line.
 G -    Moves to the specified line 
        (defaults to the end of the buffer).
 C-u -  Scrolls a half page up.
 C-b -  Scrolls a full page up.
 C-d -  Scrolls a half page down.
 C-f -  Scrolls the full page down.
 / -    Search forward
 ? -    Search backward
  • C-a ]
o Paste text

Don't for get to read screen's manual


HomePage Using GNU Screen GNU Screen - Jonathan McPherson GNU Screen: Working with the Scrollback Buffer - Chris Pettitt