All pages
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- Adding menu options to your android project
- Autossh Tunnel
- Bashrc customization
- Best Computer to date
- Bluetooth
- Bootable USB Stick
- C++ Hello World
- C++ OOP Hello World
- CISCO Saving IOS to TFTP
- CS Server - Protocol 47 & 48 - Steam & Non-Steam Clients
- Change System Drive Letter
- Change Windows Logon background
- Cisco Levels
- Cisco Simple NAT
- Cisco UBR7246 SSH Server
- Cisco encrypt password
- Clear Postfix queue
- Completely Turn OFF your Windows 7 Firewall
- ConfirmEdit extension
- Convert to and from Gentoo Fedora
- Copy table structure
- Cracking a clientless wep AP
- DKIM for Multiple Domains
- DKIM setup with multiple domains
- Delete or Disable Icon Arrow
- Disable NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
- FLV to AVI
- Faster Windows Shutdown
- Fedora CentOS ifcfg change from dinamic static ip
- Fedora CentOS virtual ips
- Ffmpeg
- FileExtension Upload
- File size directory listing in Apache
- Firefox plugins
- First Android project
- GNU Find tricks
- GeSHi Syntax Highlight extension
- Gentoo IPTables Xtables-addons Block countries
- GmailLike attachments
- HTC G1 adb usage
- Hide/Remove Div
- How to add a description to a windows service
- How to disable 135 445
- Interesting youtube and stuff
- Iptables Redirect
- Irssi Usage and Scripts
- JavaScript back button
- JavaScript print frame button
- Linux Simple NAT
- Lists, Views, Cursors, Exceptions, Dialogs, SQL in android
- MAN 1 crontab
- MAN 5 crontab
- MAN 8 cron
- MCSA Windows Server 2012 R2
- MSDNAA Links
- Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts
- Main Page
- Make firefox run faster
- Medium .htaccess protection
- Mod lua custom auth
- Multiple mod ldap
- Mutt and GnuPG
- MySQL Bind
- MySQL Count rows by date timestamp
- MySQL Repair Table
- MySQL select entries older than
- Mysql primary key after creating and using a database
- NAT mac filter
- PHP 7bit PDU generator
- PHP Card Number Generator
- PHP OOP Brainfuck Interpreter
- PHP Tips && Tricks
- PHP YMSG Class
- PHP error reporting
- PPPoE with FreeRadius and MySQL
- Password-less SSH Login
- Perl simple usage
- Portable Apps
- Preturi calc 1ian2009
- Protect Console Screen Session
- PulseAudio
- Puppet
- Registry/TaskManager Enable/disable
- Remove Shared Documents from My Computer
- Resetting MySQL root password
- Route through socks
- SSH jail
- Send mails via SMTP with auth
- Setting Eclipse for Android
- Setting Yubikey
- Setting an icon to your android project
- Setting up SSL for Apache HTTPD
- Setting up a mail server
- Setting up named dns server
- Sharing to Windows and Mounting Windows Shares in Ubuntu
- Simple .htaccess protection
- Simple Math Stuff
- SpamBlacklist extension
- Spyware removers
- Stuff to improve Eniasan
- Trilulilu and Youtube Downloader
- Two Way rsync via SSH
- Ubuntu VNC session
- Update div content
- Using Finch
- Using GNU Screen
- Using GNU tmux
- Using Mutt
- Using Qemu
- VIM Stuff
- Various CentOS 7 settings
- Versions used on cable modem network
- Virtual ProFTPD with MySQL and Quota
- Virtualbox
- Wikimedia prevent user registration
- Windows Classic Search
- Windows Detailed Logon messages
- Windows XP Secure
- WishList
- Working with GSM modems via AT commands
- Wpa supplicant usage
- Writing a CD in console
- YubiKey lock screen
- ZD1211rw with patches for aircrack-ng